Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Below are questions we get asked on a regular basis and responses to them by our experienced Vastu architects. If your question is not answered here, please Email Us.
Do any studies validate the effects of Maharishi Vastu Architecture?
There are some very intriguing studies that explore aspects of Maharishi Vastu principles. Four studies document the correlation between house orientation and mental health, heart health, financial success, and burglary rates. moreYou can read more details on the above studies by clicking here.
In a very exciting development, the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to the researchers who discovered that the brain contains placement cells and grid cells that physically change in response to one’s surroundings. This shows that the space one lives in has a profound impact on the structure of the brain, and thereby on consciousness. You can read more about this important study here.
Another study suggests that in some cases hospital stay is significantly shortened if one’s hospital room receives east, rather than west, sunlight.
More research is being done to document that Maharishi Vastu homes provide life-supporting benefits to those who live and work in them.
Our clients’ first-hand experiences give insight into the effects of living in Vastu. We strongly suggest you experience the life-nourishing qualities of Maharishi Vastu architecture for yourself, so please contact us and we’ll help set up a tour!
Is Maharishi Vastu architecture considered sustainable, or green? What kind of building materials do you use?
Maharishi Vastu follows timeless building principles based on the universal rules of natural law. In this sense, we are truly sustainable, as the building is structured to be fully supportive to those inside, as well as promoting well-being to the environment. moreIn addition, we recommend natural, non-toxic building materials in construction. We also place an emphasis on photovoltaic energy generation and other sustainable strategies. We also recommend permaculture landscaping design-a truly sustainable way to live!
One reason why our buildings feel so good to be in is that they are built using non-toxic materials with an emphasis on natural lighting. Ideal for those with chemical sensitivities, not just the building promotes good health-the design and layout do as well!
You can read more on this subject by clicking here.
How about wellness communities? Does Maharishi Vastu work with that trend?
In fact, a community of Maharishi Vastu houses epitomizes a wellness community. Considering the intentions of Vastu — to be in harmony with the laws of the natural world through rules that define orientation, room placement, proportion and size — it’s logical that each Maharishi Vastu home supports wellness for those living there. moreIndeed, people describe living in these homes in terms of feeling nourished and being supported in their day-to-day life. They are much more likely to have the time and energy to focus on their own wellness and the well being of their families, their neighbors and world around them.
The experience of living in Maharishi Vastu is often described as a feeling of orderliness in the immediate environment and, personally, feelings of peace, contentment, and happiness. Many people talk about better sleep and a spontaneously healthier lifestyle, as well as more positive family interactions.
How do the different terms you use relate to each other?
The terms Vedic architecture, Sthapatya Veda and Vastu are often used synonymously. Maharishi Vedic architecture is the most general term. moreSthapatya Veda is the actual Sanskrit term for the architecture of nature, the knowledge of establishing the individual in harmony with the Cosmos through a structure.
Vastu refers to the technology of applying the Vedic knowledge of Sthapatya Veda to the design of buildings and cities.
We add the name Maharishi to denote the revival and restoration of this ancient Vedic science by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
How important is it to live in a Maharishi Vastu home?
Every building has its influence on its occupants. Some will naturally have a better influence, others will have a negative influence. moreThis can be from any number of factors, including the direction of the entrances, features of the nearby terrain, the placement of the rooms in the house, and the building’s construction materials.
Rather than risk any number of negative influences, we suggest that designing a building using the principles of Maharishi Vastu from the beginning will ensure all good influences for those within. Utilizing the principles of Maharishi Vastu rules out potentially negative influences in the home.
What this means is that every Maharishi Vastu home naturally feels wonderful to be in-and that feeling grows over time. View our Client Testimonials to read about personal experiences of living in Vastu!
Is there some way I can make my existing home or apartment building more in line with Vastu? Can I incorporate elements of Vastu into plans my architect has already done?
We applaud your desire to make your existing space more compliant with the principles of Vastu. Unfortunately, we do not advise on remedial measures for non-Vastu homes, land, or apartment buildings because such advice yields only partial benefit. moreIf your building is in alignment to the cardinal directions, you may be able to gain some benefits by orienting your activities to their most-supportive directions. Pointing one’s bed toward the east or south, facing a work desk to the north or east, and only using northern or eastern entrances are all simple ways to gain some beneficial influences.
There is a step-by-step process to building with the Maharishi Vastu system that starts with site selection. Each step in this process is just as important as any other, and in order to ensure that you live in a true Vastu home or work in a true Vastu building, we do not compromise or skip steps.
Building a home using Maharishi Vastu architecture is like building an ocean-going boat. To remove any important part or replace it with a cheaper alternative would result in an inferior product, leaving you and your family at risk. We suggest that the life-nourishing support of proper Vastu should not be a secondary consideration.
The certificate each homeowner receives when construction is complete verifies the building is built exactly according to Maharishi Vastu architecture. We stand by what we offer, and the only way we can ensure you get the high-quality product you deserve is by making sure we follow our procedures for design and construction exactly.
We can do the design ourselves, or we can consult with your own local architects who are not trained in Maharishi Vastu design.
We hope you will consider looking more closely at building a Maharishi Vastu building to bring all the wonderful benefits to you, your family and your business.
Do the rules for orientation change depending on which side of the equator I’m building on?
The pertinent effects of sunlight do not differ in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere because the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. Maharishi Vastu architecture is based on universal laws that apply across the planet.
Considering that climate and topography are different around the world, how can Vastu always be the same?
Maharishi Vastu architecture is the application of nature’s own universal architectural principles, and we can apply this system to any building, for any purpose, in any climate, and in any style. moreThe ancient science of Sthapatya Veda was cognized directly from the field of consciousness, and so the principles are universal in their application.
Applying the principles does take into account local climate, water features, land slope, etc. So while the principles and guidelines are universal, each building takes into account its local environment; in effect, a Maharishi Vastu building is both universal and specifically designed for the locality
When there are many Maharishi Vastu buildings together, do they all still face east? Would a Vastu City have every single building facing east?
East is ideal, and north is also possible. The effects are profound and worth the extra effort it may take to lay the city out in this way. The city will give its citizens the influence of the total support of natural law for all time. moreThere is already a city that is in accordance with Maharishi Vastu Architecture. You can learn more about Maharishi Vedic City here. If you are interested in Vedic City Planning, click here.
How do you determine which direction a door or building faces?
The way a door or gate faces is the direction that the the exterior side points. When you step out of your east-facing door, you’re facing east.
Are there ancient examples of these building principles?
The principles of Maharishi Vastu are mirrored in the architecture of some of the most ancient cultures. A few examples of historical architecture that incorporates some of the principles include Borbudur in Java, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, many American Indian village layouts, castles and towns in Slavic countries, and Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
What is the ornament on the roof called? Why is it there?
The Kalash is a vedic roof ornament that serves as a junction point between the building and the cosmos. While it’s not required, it is an important part of the Vastu influence. The Kalash we recommend was designed in close collaboration with His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to ensure maximally beneficial effects.
Is a fence required? What are its functions?
The Vastu fence is a very precise element that defines the space the building occupies, and it is integral to the design. We say house + fence = Vastu. moreSince a Maharishi Vastu building is designed to be in harmony with the universe, the influence from the building extends into the landscape, providing greater protection and coherence beyond the front door. A Vastu fence or wall marks the extension of this influence. Its proportions and measurements are set according to the ancient formulas of Sthapatya Veda.
Fencing options for style, materials, and design of the fence are almost limitless, as long as they incorporate the key Vedic dimensions appropriate to your project, and the fence is beautiful.
What is a Vastu Ceremony? Why is it important?
An integral part in the process of building a Maharishi Vastu home is celebrating three milestones in the building process. There are three significant moments in building any building that are traditionally honored in many of the world’s cultures. Each of these events involves a short, unique ceremony. more1) Groundbreaking
2) Laying the Foundation Stone (when construction begins)
3) Inauguration Celebration (the first time the owners occupy the home)
Each ceremony is scheduled at an auspicious time and day particular to the owner. To determine that timing, the owner will have a Maharishi Vedic® astrology (Jyotish) consultation and then the most auspicious date and time, (called a muhurta) for each of the milestones is determined. Each ceremony enlivens laws of nature that ensure the success of that particular and very important aspect of the building process and occupancy of the house.
All over the world these ceremonies are performed in the prescribed way and in each case owners describe much the same feelings and experiences — a connection gets established between the owner, the land, and the house. This is not only very pleasant, but it also begins to establish a sense of stewardship of the land and the home itself.
Many also experience good fortune that begins when the ceremonies are performed; the weather cooperates, contractors show up on time, and they do their work easily and effortlessly. Even the builders, who are not often aware of the mechanics of these events, are eager to participate after having seen the effect they have on their progress. This experience comes to you when you dig the first shovel of dirt in the groundbreaking ceremony, again when you lay the first stone in the foundation ceremony, and finally when you cross the threshold of the home in the inauguration ceremony.
We have put together a photo album of these events over the last few years and we hope you enjoy it!
What is the difference between Maharishi Vastu architecture and Feng Shui?
Sthapatya Veda is the eternal architecture of nature, and some of its texts are thousands of years old. Because it is so ancient, variations on it have changed significantly from the original as they migrated around the world through the millennia. moreMaharishi Vastu architecture is the restored, pure, fully effective application of Sthapatya Veda to the design of buildings and cities.
Feng Shui is considered by some experts in the field to be one of the descendants of Sthapatya Veda. Feng Shui shares with Maharishi Vastu an appreciation of the significance of building orientation and room placement but there are also a many ways in which the two disciplines differ widely.
One difference is that principles of Feng Shui are commonly applied as remedial measures to existing buildings. Maharishi Vastu architecture does not offer remedial services for existing buildings. It is a system of design and construction that is applied before the building is built, because this is the only way to ensure that a building is fully in harmony with natural law.
In order to assure all the benefits that come from living and working in Vastu, we recommend working with our certified architects if you’re going to build, or find existing Maharishi Vastu Architecture homes and buildings in your area.
You can read more about this subject here.
What does “Fortune-Creating” mean?
You may have seen the term “Fortune-Creating” in our publications. Fortune, in this case, refers to benefits in every aspect of life. For example, someone who enjoys good health is “fortunate.” moreThe same can be said for someone with a harmonious family life.
Fortune-Creating, then, extends to every aspect of life. We can’t say for certain that you will “make more money” living in Vastu — but we can say that you will live a much more fortunate, nourished life.
What architectural styles do you use?
We can design according to almost any traditional or modern style of architecture. Maharishi Vastu architecture is a profound system of nature’s abstract principles that can be applied to almost any architectural style. moreSometimes, when Vastu homes are built in close proximity and in one style, observers may conclude that this is the Maharishi Vastu style. However, these examples may simply be including regional preference, historic or national traditions, or local zoning ordinances — in much the same way any neighborhood may contain similar-looking homes.
We can transform any of our portfolio designs into a style you would enjoy.
What is the price difference between MVA and a typical non-Vastu home?
As with any new building project, we don’t have any set prices at the onset. Every project’s cost will be different, as there are variables that are a part of constructing any new building. moreIn other words, are you building a tiny house, or a mansion? Will it be on a budget, or are you sparing no expense? What about your finishes: countertops of rare granite or of budget-saving tile? What material will be your flooring, and what type of appliances and fixtures will you have? These are just a few factors to consider in your decision to build a home or office building, and each can impact costs.
There are some service and consultation fees and premiums for building according to Maharishi Vastu. These fees are set according to the square footage of the home, type and quality of finishings, and other factors. On most projects this fee is five to six percent of hard construction costs. Premiums for the construction cost of Vastu features vary from zero to several percent of the cost of the house.
What these fees and premiums buy is the assurance that your new home or building is being designed and built according to the detailed principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture. This is a lifetime investment, not just in the quality of the home, but also in the quality of life for those who live and work in it.
If necessary, we’ll help you find a reliable builder to help you to keep your construction costs within your budget.
Who was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? What qualified him to restore the knowledge of Vastu?
The term Maharishi explains that this branch of Vedic knowledge was restored to its original purity by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who for more than fifty years pioneered the systematic revival of Vedic science in light of modern science. moreHe is noted for first bringing to the world the Transcendental Meditation program, as well as the Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health, and since 1988 the application of Vedic knowledge to the field of architecture and planning.
Click Here to read a short biography of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
What is Maharishi Sthapatya Veda®?
Sthapatya Veda is the branch of Vedic knowledge that deals with establishing a structure—any kind of structure. The principles used to design a Maharishi Vastu home are derived from the tradition of Sthapatya Veda as illuminated by Maharishi. So, the services we offer—evaluating a site, planning a site, designing a home or building, planning a neighborhood or an entire city-are also known as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda® services.