How Maharishi Vastu Architecture Differs from Feng Shui
Historical lineages of both Feng Shui and Vastu report that Feng Shui was derived from Vastu. In the same way that Buddhism and some Chinese painting techniques originated in India, this ancient Vastu architectural system is thought to have made its way across East Asia from India.
There are many schools of Feng Shui. In some of them Feng Shui’s core principles, such as room placement, building orientation, and the impact of nearby features in the natural environment, have a clear connection to those principles found in Vedic architecture. This lends validation to the memory in both traditions that Feng Shui originated from Vastu.
However, there are numerous contradictions among the many schools of Feng Shui. Some schools of Feng Shui hold that a southern entrance is best, for example. This is diametrically opposed to the knowledge in Maharishi Vastu theory, which emphasizes that a southern entrance is the most damaging to the quality of life. The accuracy of this understanding is validated by recent statistical research.
The inconsistencies found in many schools of Feng Shui are thought to have been caused by the loss of knowledge and its subsequent disconnection from Natural Law that inevitably arises with the passage of time. As the ancient knowledge of Vedic architecture was carried from location to location, generation after generation, it is clear that modifications were made that were not based on the most profound level of Natural Law.
It is our great fortune that His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi recently restored Vastu to its wholeness by systematically and carefully evaluating the surviving traditions of Vedic architecture in India as well as the ancient Vedic texts. As a result, the most effective and complete system of Vedic architecture, based on the full value of Natural Law, is once again available to us.