Past Enews Issues

News Articles

July 2, 2015

Colorado Yoga Magazine

“Yoga for Your Home”
Letter size

April 24, 2009

“2000 Tower Oaks Boulevard Awarded LEED(R) Platinum CS 2.0 Certification”
Letter size

December 12, 2008

Washington Post

“Bricks, Mortar and Serenity
New Rockville Building Has a Peaceful, Meditative Air”
Letter size | A4 size

November/December 2008

The Iowan Magazine

“House of the Rising Sun”
Letter Size

April 2006

House King Magazine

“Vedic Architecture: A millenary practice is reborn”
11 x 17 format

February 2006

Upstate House

“Enlightened Design: Vedic architecture employs ancient design principles to promote peace and well-being”
Letter size (2.7 MB)

November 2005

Buildings Magazine

“Best Practices in Sustainability: Buildings Go Beyond Green”
Letter size | A4 size

September 2005

The Times Journal of Construction and Design (TJCD)

“In Accord with Nature”
Letter size

Note: The Times Journal of Construction and Design (TJCD) is a publication of the Economic Times (India), one of the world’s largest business dailies. TJCD is a major resource for the construction industry of India.

August 21, 2005

Houston Chronicle

“Building has an ancient touch”
Letter size | A4 size

August 5, 2005

The Rock Island Argus

“Vedic homes seek better living through architecture”
Letter size | A4 size

July/August 2005

AAA Living (Iowa)

“Spotlight: Maharishi Vedic City—Iowa Shangri-La”
Letter size | A4 size

July 15, 2005

American Way (American Airlines magazine)

“Lifestyle Feature: Home and Peace”
Letter size | A4 size

July 7, 2005

The Washington Post

“Mind Over Mortar”
Letter size | A4 size

June 20, 2005

The Washington Post (Business section)

“Tower II planned with the Maharishi in mind”
Page 1 | Page 2

Teenagers experience Vastu

As children grow in years and maturity, they naturally express their own experience of life more easily . We have gathered the expressions of several teenagers living in Maharishi Vastu and they are quite amazing. Clearly, Vastu living affects them in a very positive and nourishing way, supporting their growth to adulthood easily and without strain.

We asked 2 teenage girls from Holland if they noticed any difference between a Maharishi Vastu house and a non-Vastu house:

“Oh yes! When I’m in a Vastu building I feel orderly and have a complete layout of my surroundings. I feel settled and calm. When I’m in non-Vastu it feels more chaotic. It’s a bit like standing in the middle of a busy street as opposed to a quiet forest. Strangely, non-Vastu also manages to feel more closed up, and I get much more hyper.”

“When I go into a Vastu house I immediately feel like my mind is clearer. I can find everything much better as well as being able to study better. In non-Vastu houses I never seem to get rest, during the day or night.”

The Manek children from Ohio are 12 and 16. They moved into their Maharishi Vastu house 2 years ago and responded to questions from their aunt as follows:

Pavan is 12

How is your sleep as compared to before: “Better. I used to be scared and have many nightmares. I would not be able to sleep by myself but had to sleep with my parents. Now I don't get any nightmares and I sleep in my own room by myself.”

Do you feel silence or happiness in your home? “Yes, it's like right after meditating, there is a feeling of inner silence, peace and happiness.”

Has it helped your allergies:? “Yes, my allergies are much less now; my allergies are much better.”

Has it helped you with school? “Yes, this was the first year I got straight A's.”

Do you feel more happiness? “ Yes, in general I feel happy inside all the time. And I now have better friends. “

Has the house brought you any good luck? “ Yes, at school whenever we do lotteries, I now always get picked, whereas before I never used to get picked.”

Devina is 16

“Everything about my life has changed since I moved into our Maharishi Vastu home. Before we moved in this house, I had a wish to go to a private school, but when we looked into it, the sign up date for the testing for entry into the school had passed. After we moved suddenly the school decided to make available a second testing session, and there were only a few openings available. I took the test, passed…, and got accepted…. Now, I love going to school. It has changed my life around.”

Have you changed in any way? “I feel more happiness and have found out more about myself, …, my true nature is blossoming. I am becoming more confident, outgoing and have higher self esteem. I also have more respect for my parents.”

Has your sleep pattern changed any? “Yes, I can now wake up early to do my first meditation on time. “

How are your meditations? “ I am more regular with my meditations, and meditations are deeper with deeper experiences.”

How do you feel about your home? “When I think about my house, I get the feeling of excitement and joy inside. “

Has living in a vastu helped you with school? “With school stuff, I can accomplish more and am able to make it into many extra-curricular activities; whereas before, I was too scared to even try-out for them. I have made new friends that are more harmonious. Now, even one of my friends has become very interested in Transcendental Meditation.”

Do friends make any comments about you? “Friends in my grade always say I am always smiling and that I am always nice to everyone. They think I never look stressed, and am calm.”

“I now realize the value of living in a Maharishi Vastu home and how it can change your life in so many better ways. I have so many good experiences in this house, that it is hard to make a list of them all.”

Australian parents relate their observation of their teenage children.

“We have a girl and a boy, aged 14 and 13 .In personalities they are different in the extreme; one independent, resilient and strong minded - and the other sensitive, reserved and reaches for parental support when outside a comfort zone.

Before moving to Vastu, their relationship had been defined by competition, arguments and intolerance, possibly due to their closeness in age. But since we moved into our Vastu home, the relationship has steadfastly improved, and each of them has grown and learned as a direct result of the other in their lives.

The softness and innocence of their hearts, even as they move into their teenage years, still moves us as parents. We love that we, as their parents, have a secure relationship with them.

We also notice and are thankful that our children's friends seem keen to stay at our place for weekend sleep-overs. Until recently, ours was the only house one parent would allow their daughter to go overnight.

Vastu homes are wonderful for everyone but families especially.”

Tiny Houses make a good fit
Bau-biology and Vastu

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