Issue #55:
December, 2019
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- Largest Maharishi Vastu meditation hall inaugurated in Thailand
Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design
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Maharishi Vastu meditation hall inaugurated in Thailand
On November 12, 2019, the largest Maharishi Vastu meditation hall in the world was inaugurated at the Buddhist Dhammajarinee girls boarding school in Ratchaburi Province, southwest of Bangkok, Thailand. The lovely building is 5000sm(almost 54000sf) and is two stories.
At the moment the school has a little over 1000 students who practice the TM technique twice daily, Around 350 of those students have learned the advanced TM Sidhi program and another 230 will complete the course in mid-December. The nuns and teaching staff also practice the TM technique.
The school was started over 20 years ago by Archan Yai, a Buddhist nun, as the extension of her degree in Buddhist studies and her desire for “doing acts of service”—traditionally called tamboon in the Buddhist culture. Her focus turned to providing at risk and orphaned girls from Bangkok a safe place to live, proper food and medical care, quality education and traditional Buddhist instruction, including meditation.
This core mission has remained and the student population has expanded to include girls from all over Thailand. Incredibly, the school is free for all the students and in fact is the only free Buddhist boarding school for girls in all of Thailand.
In addition to the new Mediation hall, there are also Vastu classrooms and dormitories. With the goal of expanding to 2000 students, still more buildings are being built.
The school is mainly financed by donations and self-generated income from the sale of drinking water and a public restaurant on the grounds.
To explore more of this fascinating story visit their website at or watch the youtube video.
To see more photos of the new building visit our facebook photo album here.