Issue #16:
May, 2012
Welcome to our Issue
- Download Vastu City Planning e/i Book for FREE
- Sustainable Living Center Opens
- Vastu Builders’ Seminar Continues to Inspire
- If You Favor Vastu…
Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design
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About Us
Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.
Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.
Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.
What we offer to you:
- Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
- Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
- Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
- Master Planning for developments and communities.
- Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.
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Copyright © 2011 Maharishi Vastu, Fortune-Creating, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, Maharishi Vedic, are registered trademarks used under sublicense or with permission.
Download Vastu City Planning e/i Book for FREE
Our latest book, Vastu City Planning has just been e-published in both iBook and Kindle formats. And, for a limited time, both are available as free downloads. The book’s unique approach to sustainable city planning is deeply rooted in the theme of “life in harmony with natural law”. This approach does not simply advocate sustainability in areas of housing, energy and gardening/farming but combines these with alternative health, wellness, green Vastu, yoga, meditation, and even Vedic astrology techniques. Only a holistic concept that encompasses both inner and outer values of life can achieve a fully sustainable community and planet. The first page of the book asks the question, Cities, and the buildings of which they are composed, should be structures that nourish and sustain every aspect of human life. Is this the case today? From that premise, the book goes on to detail how that can be accomplished.
For the iBook format, you will need either an iPad, iPhone or a Mac computer with operating system OS5. Open an iTunes account and download the iTunes software. Then simply type in ”iBookstore” at the iTunes website and enter the book title, Vastu City Planning.
For PC users who don’t have a Kindle you can download free reading software directly to your computer at the Kindle store on Amazon. Click on “Windows” under “computers” half way down the page. Once you have downloaded the software, type in the title of the book and you can download it to your computer.
We hope you will take the time to read this book on a very timely subject, share it with friends and colleagues, and even write a short review if you feel inspired.
Sustainable Living Center Opens
Last month Maharishi University of Management’s newest building, the Sustainable Living Center, was inaugurated by one hundred enthusiastic students, faculty, and fans. This well-publicized event was the conclusion of seven years of planning, fundraising, and construction of a building that achieves an unprecedented level of sustainability as well as full alignment with the principles of Maharishi Vedic design. Three days later the building’s design architect and Maharishi Vastu consultant Jon Lipman gave tours of the new building to 120 people.
Not all the planned sustainable features have been installed yet but the building has already met the high sustainability standards of LEED Platinum as well as almost all of the Living Building Challenge. Read about the amazing features in the building at One of the most visible features is the double row of whole tree trunks that line the building’s main hall; they are not only stunning but also serve as the structural support for the building’s central roof.
The building’s greenhouse is already growing vegetables and 23,000 earth blocks inside the walls, made by SL students a few years ago from local soil, have been left unplastered and visible in two rooms. Watch an informative video tape tour of the building. In this video Jon talks about the various Vedic elements and sustainable features and construction methods used to create this highly creative and innovative building. The video allows you to see all the possibilities of a truly Vedic Green building.
Many articles were published about the building during its construction — the Associated Press described it is as “the ultimate green building” in an article carried by Forbes, Business Week, MSNBC, and other national media.
In addition to the thriving Bachelor of Science program in sustainable living, MUM has also started an MBA program in sustainable business and has recently formed a consortium with eight other schools to offer summer courses to all students who are enrolled in any of the member schools. This year, MUM is one of the only two of the eight that will offer courses and the other six member schools will promote these programs to their students. Next summer, MUM students will be able to attend courses in these schools, which are spread across the East Coast, West Coast and Rocky Mountain region.
Vastu Builders’ Seminar Continues to Inspire
The Vastu Builders’ Seminar continues to be a successful and informative event for everyone who participates. It was recently held in Australia where 28 delegates from all over the Pacific region attended the seven-day seminar.
The next seminar is scheduled to begin shortly at our international headquarters in the Netherlands. There is still time to apply if you would like to do so. Please go here. This seminar will also be held in South Africa in November of this year. We invite all our Vastu Coordinator phase 2 graduates to consider leading this course in their local areas. A Maharishi Vastu consultant would be happy to participate regularly via video or phone conferencing. The course format can be either one week in residence or three weekend blocks.
The Australia seminar had a wide range of speakers including our own Maharishi Vedic architecture experts along with construction, materials and finance experts. The range of people attending the seminar was also varied. Many who were merely interested are now thoroughly committed to building their own Maharishi Vastu home and have begun the consultation process. There is also an emphasis on building communities and providing the support services necessary for a community to exist and thrive. Here are reports on two of the projects that emerged from the seminar:
One of our developer delegates designed a floor plan during the seminar for a ten-bedroom building with Ayurveda facilities for use by retirees to be built on 1.5 acres of land which he currently owns near Hastings in Victoria. He met a builder delegate at the seminar and they have joined forces to complete preliminary plans. The project will become part of our Hastings Vastu Community Development.
We launched our proposed plan for a Kinder to Year 12 Consciousness-Based Education School on 30 acres in Merimbula — the Development Application is to be lodged with the Local Council next week. Australia already has a consciousness-based education school in Melbourne and the school director outlined the urgent need to obtain more land and to construct additional Vastu school buildings because of the huge growth in enrollments.
One of the goals of this seminar is to enjoy as well as gain more knowledge of Maharishi Vastu design and construction. The written reports from the delegates seem to indicate both goals were clearly accomplished! Read more of the impressions and experiences of the seminar delegates at:
In the next few days, we will be sending you an announcement for our new distance education course available on line on the second of August. It is entitled, Vedic Green: Building Your Maharishi Vastu Home & Community. You’ll enjoy the course and learn more about this fascinating field!
If You Favor Vastu…
“If you favor Natural Law, Natural Law will favor you. If you hold on to Vastu, then even Vastu will help you to find good Vastu” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
This is one of Maharishi’s most salient and profound points and is applicable to all phases of the process of design and construction of a Maharishi Vastu home. Time and time again, this concept has been validated whether applied to selection of a suitable site or the design of the home or construction materials. Here is the experience related by one homeowner:
A few years ago, a couple fell in love with an oceanside town and began to look for a home to live in until they could build a Maharishi Vastu home. But finding a vacation home meeting Maharishi Sthapatya Veda guidelines was not an easy task given the location was a barrier island running at an angle to the cardinal directions. They describe what happened as they were deciding to compromise and commit to a less than ideal existing residence.
“We committed to a non-Vastu home that could be rectified to meet several key Maharishi Vedic principles. Nonetheless, we were dissatisfied with compromise. We felt attached to this home for its location, beautiful design and pool, but our friends expressed their deep concern, especially considering our longtime commitment to Vastu. It was as if we could hear Nature crying out not to compromise. So, we stepped out of the contract. We felt disappointed but left our situation once again in the hands of Natural Law. To pacify us, our friend drove us up and down the streets next to the ocean that had ideal Vastu orientation just to give a new direction to our desire. The next morning we picked up a local newspaper and found the only auspiciously oriented, near-ocean lot listed in the town at that time. We were the first to inquire on the new listing, and went into contract immediately. It turns out the seller received over 200 calls on the property!”
This beautiful lot will allow them to build an ideal retirement home according to the principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture. This powerful story is a perfect example of how Cosmic Intelligence organizes for those individuals who align themselves with Natural Law.