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At Home in Maharishi Vastu

Issue #10:
August, 2011

Welcome to our Issue

  • Is Believing Necessary?
  • Maharishi Vedic Village, Niagara Falls
  • Vastu in Ghana
  • New on our Website

Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design

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About Us

Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.

Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.

Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.

What we offer to you:

  1. Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
  2. Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
  3. Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
  4. Master Planning for developments and communities.
  5. Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.

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Is Believing Necessary?

Some people assume the powerful effect of living in Maharishi Vastu comes only to those who acknowledge its benefits and “believe” in them. The following anecdotes from all over the world demonstrate that the opposite is, in fact the reality of living in a Maharishi Vastu home.

A New Zealand family writes, “…our funds were really meager, but. somehow four years ago we went ahead and bought an acre of land in the southern alps of New Zealand, and borrowed from the bank to build a small one room cabin. We consulted Maharishi Vastu Architects and we built using natural materials according to those principles to achieve maximum good fortune. We enjoyed building it and we enjoyed living in our little cabin, but before too long we realized that we needed to move on to something bigger. So we reluctantly sold our cabin to a young man from the locality. We were much dismayed when he took possession of the house, moved in with crates of beer and packets of cigarettes and then somewhat brusquely wished us on our way.

A year later, we visited our former cabin. The new owner rushed out to greet us. He was visibly changed, almost a different person. He looked healthy and happy. He waxed lyrical concerning the virtues of the little cabin. He recounted his experiences of support of Nature since moving in and the ease with which he had found ample work (in a time of recession). He told us that his circle of friends admire the cabin—last summer he had 18 friends come to stay with him at one time. He took us on a tour of the small property and wished that we would come back often. Then we talked to the neighbors and found that the whole locality of the cabin was alive with harmony, building activity, and co-operation among neighbors. Remarkably everyone was beaming with happiness.”

A gentleman who built a Maharishi Vastu home in Cincinnati several years ago was obliged to re-locate due to work. Instead of selling his home, he decided to rent it for some time. He found good tenants, an Army captain and his family who would be stationed nearby for a few years. They have reported how much they love living in this house and how even their friends when they visit do not want to leave and comment on the peace and happiness that being in the house brings to them.

The family has not really been told of the uniqueness of the house but they do know that the Brahmasthan area is special and to be respected. Recently, the renting family was scheduled to move due to the conclusion of their military obligations in the area. But, they requested and were granted an extension of their tour in Cincinnati and happily informed the owner that they would be staying on. They told him they asked to continue in the area because they did not want to move from this house.

In Fairfield, Iowa, USA, several Maharishi Vastu homeowners have created temporary lodgings for people interested in exploring the area and the uniqueness of this town. Many who come are attracted by the wealth of cultural activities and are not even aware of the specialness of the homes they are staying in. Even after a few nights’ stay many of them have remarked on the deep tranquility and sense of well-being that they experience just being in these houses and, commented on how well they have slept. When tours of Maharishi Vastu homes have been organized in Fairfield, Maharishi Vedic City and around the USA, many hundreds of people have come from all over to tour the homes. After touring several homes many have commented on feeling the effect of “quietness and happiness” just from being in the houses for a brief period of time. And, the homeowners often comment afterwards how difficult it is to get people to leave the house.

The effect of coherence, harmony and happiness that comes from visiting or living in a Maharishi Vastu home is not random. The dimensions, formulas, orientations and materials come together to create a wholeness that supports and nourishes anyone who is within the vastu. The fundamental functioning of the laws of nature that create order, harmony and only life-supporting effects are enlivened in an effortless and natural manner in the design and construction process. It does not require knowing this to be happening or how it happens much less believing in it. If the principles and practices of Maharishi Vedic architecture are followed, then Natural Law spontaneously supports daily life. No need to believe, just come and visit or build a Maharishi Vastu home and see for yourself!

Maharishi Vedic Village, Niagara Falls

Canada’s second Peace Colony is moving closer to the beginning of construction phase. The planned community is on a stunning 90-acre riverfront parcel just two miles southwest of Niagara Falls. In June a group of 31 people were welcomed to the site by Russell Guest, the project’s developer and the founding families. They attended a two-day Vedic Green workshop to plan their Vastu homes on the site. They watched with excitement a new 3-D computer-generated video fly-over of the proposed master plan that brought the plan to life, highlighted the community’s neighborhoods and showed the purpose of each building, and they participated in a workshop on options for building their new homes in Maharishi Vedic Village with the very highest standard of non-toxic and natural construction materials.

Working with Guest, Maharishi Vastu architect Michael Chelnov has recently created a master plan for a community of 1200 that offers a variety of living options – single-family homes, apartments, cottages, condominiums, and a full–service condo-hotel for seasonal and year-round members. In addition, the site will incorporate a retail and tourist educational-entertainment center, schools and a Maharishi Pandit campus. The condo-hotel will feature an Ayurvedic spa and a large greenhouse conservatory that will allow for dining outside among trees and blooming plants in the middle of winter. During a recent conference at our international headquarters in the Netherlands six Maharishi Vastu architects and a prominent developer reviewed the plan with Mr. Guest giving their suggestions for further refinement of the master plan.

Vastu in Ghana

Just recently, we discovered that a wonderful Maharishi Vastu home has been built in the capital city of Ghana, the Accra metropolitan area which is situated along the Atlantic coastline of Africa. This is one of the very first residential Vastu homes in all of Africa!

The house has 3 bedrooms, a meditation room and is the local Transcendental Meditation® Center. The family that owns it had a very strict budget and working with their Vastu architect, packed a lot of useable space into this home.

The owner reports that since he and his family moved into their Maharishi Vastu home, which also serves as his office for all TM national administration, there has been a significant increase in TM activity and expansion of that organisation. This increase has necessitated the acquisition of additional property to accommodate further expansion. The feeling within the building is one of calmness, confidence and security and is shared by the family and visitors alike.

To those of us in the west who are familiar with standard building and framing techniques, this house would be unique in that it has almost no timber (or steel) in the structure at all. You can see that the house foundation is very substantial. Mud brick gives the structural integrity and bears the weight of the home.

The dominant presence of voracious ants in Accra, (which is derived from the Ghanaian word for ants) and whose chief diet consists of wood or wood –based products, makes mud brick the logical and secure medium for building material. Plus, the raw material is very easily obtainable.

The Maharishi Vastu ceremony for breaking ground was attended by a group of local Vedic pundits who were very excited and inspired to see the first Vastu structure in Ghana begin.

We congratulate Dr. Kwesi Orgle and his family for being Maharishi Vastu pioneers for Ghana and all of Africa.

New on our Website

We have just added the impressive Living in Harmony booklet to our main website where it can be viewed page by page using flipbook technology. This book is a lovely pictorial tour of Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield and presents the concept of a Vedic town, as well as the main principles of Maharishi Vedic architecture, in a lively and entertaining format. View it here: and simply click on the picture that says, “View a Vedic town”.