Issue #34:
November, 2015
Welcome to our Issue
- First Mixed Use Vastu building in a European Capital City
- Featuring Maharishi Vastu homes for sale
Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design
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Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.
Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.
Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.
What we offer to you:
- Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
- Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
- Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
- Master Planning for developments and communities.
- Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.
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First Mixed Use Vastu building
in a European Capital City
The City of Edinburgh Planning Council has granted permission to build a substantial Maharishi Vastu building with eight attractive apartments and a spacious ground-floor commercial space for the teaching and practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. The multi-purpose building of 600 sm (6400 sf) will be the first of its kind in a European capital city.
Project Director and Maharishi Vastu consultant Andy Pringle explains, “The auspicious east-facing land is situated in a peaceful area close to Arthur’s Seat-Edinburgh’s famous rocky peak within a beautiful area of parkland.
It’s within easy reach of the city center, with good public transport. Set amongst beautiful mature cherry trees, the building has been thoughtfully designed to quality construction standards which will provide homeowners with finishes and fixtures they would expect in such an attractive building, yet at regular market price. Each apartment has its own balcony, along with a top-floor communal deck so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy watching the sunrise over the city.
“Now that we have achieved planning permission, we look forward to beginning construction in Autumn 2015. We expect the building to be completed in nine months. This completion date will allow the homeowners to move into their new apartments in the summer of 2016.” To date, over half of the eight apartments have prospects intending to purchase.
National Director David Rae says, “This site has a very special feeling about it. Everyone who visits there remarks on its peaceful atmosphere. To me it feels as though the local laws of nature are eager to welcome our new building and our family of meditators. It will be a delight to offer Maharishi’s programs in perfect Vastu and to provide a permanent home for TM meditators to enjoy their practice of the TM-Sidhi program and yogic flying together. As the building is situated not far from Scotland’s Parliament, this building, virtually a palace of peace, will generate a transforming influence of coherence, order, and goodwill at an important time in Scotland’s history. Wherever there is a group of meditators expanding their consciousness through TM, there is a Peace Palace waiting to happen!”
Director of Vastu Architecture for Scotland, Henry Brighouse adds, “Maharishi wanted his timeless knowledge to be housed in perfect Vastu buildings and for people to live in fortune-creating homes so as to enjoy the full support of Natural Law. This development model provides a template that can readily be implemented to fulfill both these goals in inner-city environments everywhere. We see this as a first step for Scotland. Soon we will begin to plan other Maharishi Vastu developments in Scotland including all types of housing, a retreat building for in-residence courses, a school and university campus, and a Tower of Invincibility which will welcome, introduce and inspire the general population to all the aspects of Maharishi’s revival of Vedic knowledge.”
More information can be found at
Featuring Maharishi Vastu homes for sale
From time to time we have featured MVA homes to be sold in locations around the world. We resume this service on our Facebook page as a popular and convenient outlet for pictures and short descriptions of these offerings. Visit us at: to see the most recent offering—a beautiful home in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA.