Issue #38:
August, 2016
Welcome to our Issue
- The Sun’s Early Light
- Home for Sale
Maharishi Vastu® Architecture, Applying the principles of Maharishi Vastu design
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Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life.
Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life.
Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic.
What we offer to you:
- Pre-designed plans for homes and larger buildings.
- Custom design of homes by affiliated architects.
- Site evaluation: to help you find an ideal site.
- Master Planning for developments and communities.
- Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence.
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The Sun’s Early Light
This stunning photograph by Marty Hulsebos of his Maharishi Vastu neighborhood on the northeast edge of Fairfield, Iowa presents a lovely example of several of the most ideal Vastu elements.
The site itself is gently sloping to the east and north allowing each of the homes to be bathed in the nourishing light of the sun as it rises in the east - the whole environment appears peaceful and welcoming.
Orientation to the east and the morning sun is an honored tradition in many cultures around the world over thousands of years. Not only did the ancient Vedic texts of Sthapatya Veda, which detail how to create ideal structures, stipulate this as the most auspicious and life- supporting direction for a dwelling to face but ancient Egyptian structures, North American Indian structures and even the oldest Christian religious structures stipulated the east and the rising sun as the proper direction for building orientation. To this day, some North American Indian tribes keep to the tradition of facing their homes to the east.
Most of us would agree that the sun is the most important natural element to all life on Earth. Without the sun’s heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth. On its daily path from east to west the sun generates different types or “qualities” of energy. When the sun is rising in the east the influence of the rising sun dispels darkness and brings a fresh wave of nourishing light as it falls on the front entrance of a Maharishi Vastu house. Then, as we use that entrance throughout the day, we enjoy those qualities of nourishment, awakening consciousness and vitality. Conversely, if a house is facing west, then the energy that comes when the sun finally reaches the front of the house is the energy of the sinking sun. This causes the problems associated with a western entrance- poverty, narrow thinking, dullness of mind…all of which come from the lack of vitality from a “setting” sun.
We can see why it is so vital for our homes and ourselves to have this nourishing, early morning influence.
The neighborhood pictured here is Prairie Lakes and the experience of the homeowners there speaks to these principles. “I have lived here now for four years and each day it is a blessing to be here. The happiness I feel is like no other I have ever experienced--deep, unshakable and contagious. I often come home to the house, walk inside and start to smile from ear to ear; it just reaches out and tickles me.” “There’s a sweetness and order that permeates Vastu. I’ve noticed it over time in the silent harmony that permeates anything I do at home. In Vastu there’s a deeper resonance indoors.”
Home for Sale
We would like to share a stunning, Maharishi Vastu home that is currently for sale in Fairfield, Iowa. We find this home particularly attractive because it illustrates so many of the qualities of an ideal MVA home. The owner has given a great deal of loving attention to glorifying the interior space in order to compliment and showcase the abundance of natural light. The windows are placed for beautiful views of the natural surroundings, and the open living space enhances the flow of fresh air.
The Prairie style Vastu home, is located north of Fairfield on almost 15 acres of land, with its own small lake and dock. It was featured several years ago in The Iowan magazine with a cover story detailing the uniqueness of Maharishi Vedic architecture in Iowa.
Now that the family’s children are grown, the owners are downsizing. They report, ”Our Vastu home is elegant yet livable, spacious but homey, and has been filled with light, love, fun and good health these past fifteen years!” The home features an off-the-grid water system, as well as natural materials throughout. The 6100 square foot home has five bedrooms, six baths, and much, much more. You can see a more detailed description and photos at their website.
The current owners are hoping to find fortunate new owners in order to pass along the experiences of happiness and fulfillment that they have enjoyed in these homes! |