Issue #1: March, 2010 Welcome to our Issue
PUBLISHED BY: 641-472-7570 (phone) About Us Live or work in Maharishi Vastu and gain a powerful influence of fulfillment, happiness and perfect health for the rest of your life. Maharishi Vedic® architecture provides the universal rules and principles to design buildings, developments and cities to bring the beneficial influence of all the laws of nature to human life. Maharishi Vastu is the holistic science of establishment that connects the parts to the whole, the individual to the cosmic. What we offer to you: 1. Consultation services: to ensure that your architect’s custom design will have a fully nourishing influence. Share the Knowledge Invite your friends to subscribe to the Newsletter of Maharishi Vedic Architecture , or simply forward this e-mail to them. Privacy policy: We do not make our list available to other organizations. Copyright © 2010 Fortune-Creating, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, Maharishi Vedic, Maharishi Vastu, are registered trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and used under sublicense or with permission. |
Vastu for a Feng Shui Audience Maharishi Vedic architecture was the subject of a web-based Feng Shui radio show Sunday Feb 28th. To hear Jon Lipman explain what Vastu is and listen to a lively conversation with his Feng Shui-practicing host, go to: Vedic Green: A New Paradigm Vedic architecture explores the synergies of the ancient system of Vastu architecture with the modern day practices of green and sustainable building. These traditions have coalesced into a new paradigm called "Vedic Green". In a Vedic Green building, not only is the outer environment preserved but the wellbeing of the inhabitants is nourished and sustained from the deepest levels of nature. On the surface level of life, the relationship between all the parts and systems of Nature is truly beyond the human intellect. Consequently, without access to holistic knowledge, unintended negative results can arise after a time. The only way to alleviate this situation is to operate from the silent level of creation where all the Laws of Nature are found in a unified state. Maharishi Vedic architecture operates from this unified level. When sustainable green design incorporates the timeless principles of Sthapatya Veda, then the result is a green building that is in complete harmony with Natural Law. See the below examples of Joel and Laura Wysong's and Anna Mullenneaux's Vedic Green homes. Watch a Home Being Built Step by Step Watch our newest sustainable Vedic home being built, step by step! With help from a few friends, Joel and Laura Wysong have just built an ultra-energy-efficient, passive solar Fortune-Creating home in only six months in upstate New York. The house is radiantly heated using materials harvested on site, and its floor slab is super insulated using natural materials. Heating bills will be almost zero. See the house go up at Is Building Vastu out of your Price Range? Many of you may not have heard that the royalty fee for building a Maharishi Vastu home has come down significantly in recent years. There are also more and more examples of inexpensive and self build projects showing the versatility of Vastu design. “I speak to many people who would love to live in a Vastu home, but assume that the costs are beyond their means. Then I tell them that I built my Vastu home for under $6,000,” explains Anna Mullenneaux, client services director for Fortune-Creating Buildings. Anna’s home is at the extreme end of the small designs, but it shows that there is a home for any budget. Pictured below is Anna's 120 square foot home, built using straw bale and cob construction with a living roof. Vastu Apartment Projects in California! Jon Lipman, Chief Architect for Fortune-Creating Buildings, recently gave four inspiring lectures on Vastu architecture in southern California. At the Beverly Hills presentation the audience became very enthused at the idea of being able to live in Vedic apartment/condo buildings in greater L.A. And, a successful, experienced meditating developer has volunteered to find the land and build the buildings, making it almost effortless for us! Many people have expressed their interest in being a part of these projects and we will continue to determine who is interested in purchasing or renting Vastu apartments or houses. Based upon the specifics of your desires to rent or own an apartment the developer will put appropriate projects together for us. If you might want to live in a Vastu apartment building in L.A., San Diego, Portland, or Seattle, please send us an email to As plans progress we’ll let you know! Phase Two of Vastu Coordinator Training We are happy to announce phase two of the Vastu Coordinator Course for building professionals will be held 15-20 April 2010 in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Maharishi Vedic City was chosen as the location in response to many requests from our Phase-1 participants to have a chance to see and directly experience the Vastu Peace Colonies and other Maharishi Sthapatya Veda projects built there in recent years. Phase-2 training will allow designers or builders, to put this inspiring knowledge into practice and to make it useful in their professional work. As this will be an international course with participants from many countries, we hope it will also provide a unique opportunity to share building and development expertise amongst the course participants. In the US, our hope is that this intensive, 5-day training will inspire and motivate builders and developers around the country to begin Vastu projects in their locale. Rent or Buy Vastu Looking to buy, sell or rent a Maharishi Vastu home or office? It’s FREE to list or search on our world wide database of Maharishi Vastu buildings, Maharishi on Youtube! Would you like to hear Maharishi speak about Vedic architecture? Check out the Vastu architecture youtube page: |