Knowledge of Vastu, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vastu Building, Vlodrop, The Netherlands

Sources of Maharishi Vastu Architecture

Vastu architecture is the oldest and the most systematic of the world’s architectural systems.

The information on Vastu architecture comes from Manasara and the Maya Mata and other ancient Sanskrit texts that describe the knowledge (Veda) of establishing form (Sthapatya). These texts apply to all created structures, natural and man made, and their primary application is in the area of architecture and community design.

Much of the knowledge of Vastu architecture — or Vastu — had been fragmented or lost until recent times. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the world-wide Transcendental Meditation program, worked with the foremost experts of Sthapatya Veda in India to open this timeless knowledge to the world. By systematically reviewing and evaluating all the pieces, Maharishi unified and restored Vastu architecture to its wholeness.

Maharishi Vastu architecture — the most ancient and complete system of architecture and planning

The system as he has restored it is referred to as Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture or Maharishi Vastu architecture. The preface of Maharishi is used to give respectful credit to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who revived the oldest system of knowledge, the forty limbs of the Veda and Vedic literature, and restored them to completeness.

Sthapatya Veda is thought by many to be the source of the East Asian geomancy system of Feng Shui.

“Upon moving into my first Fortune-Creating home, I noticed I slept more soundly without waking up during the night. My thinking was clearer and I made better choices in business and my personal life.” MORE

The Meissner Effect: An Insight into Why
Maharishi Vastu Buildings Create an Influence of Invincibility

The Meissner effect is a phenomenon in quantum physics. It identifies that the ability of a system to resist disorder is based on the coherent, collective functioning of its parts.

The Meissner effect parallels how Fortune-Creating buildings provide a coherent and protective environment. They are designed to allow all of the parts to coherently function with each other as well as with the whole structure.

This coherence has two primary effects. It generates order, harmony, and good fortune for its occupants. It also protects them by resisting the penetration of harmful and negative influences. MORE

Meissner Effect

An Example of Invincibility in the
Quantum Physics of Superconductivity

Meissner Effect

Ordinary Conductor

In an ordinary electrical conductor, incoherent, disordered electrons allow penetration by an external magnetic field.


In a superconductor, coherent collective functioning of the electrons spontaneously excludes an external magnetic field, and maintains impenetrable status.

Maharishi Vastu Effect

An Example of Invincibility through
Fortune-Creating Homes

Maharishi Vastu Effect

Ordinary Building

In an ordinary building, improper orientation, proportions, room placement, and building materials lead to inauspicious and harmful influences for its occupants.

Fortune-Creating Building

The internal orderly structure of a Maharishi Vastu building resists negative influences.

It also allows for an individual’s self-repair mechanism to function in a healthy and undiminished manner.

The Meissner effect also has a direct correspondence in planned Maharishi Vedic communities. In such cities all buildings are Maharishi Vastu structures. The roads run north/south and east/west, aligned with the cosmic forces, and are organized around a central square. These design elements enrich city life with the evolutionary power of Natural Law, creating order, harmony, and coherence for all its residents.

“My experience is that my home is a totally safe, secure refuge, a sanctuary of purity and stillness and happiness. I feel that my house protects me, not only when I am in it, but even when I am away from it.” MORE

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